Receipt for a dessert with coconut cake base, pudding cream and whipped cream.
.... or also Drunk Franciscan Friar, Drunk Izidor.... delicious cake with rich walnut filling and rum, suitable for adult party.
Recipe for the preparation of tasty cake from puff pastry with four fillings. From one dough you make one smaller cake so we recommend to bake at least two. :)
Rum cake with soft cream coated in favourite chocolate.
Cake with rich fruit and walnut filling.
Delicate classic cake... recipe for a version with cream cheese - pudding filling.
Excellent cake from the gentle pound-caked dough, stuffed with bananas and chocolate cream with sour-cream and chocolate topping.
Favorite cake from raised yoghurt dough, every child and adult will enjoy it.
Cake from biscuit batter with cinnamon cream
Crispy chicken baked in the oven on beer can holder rack. We can even use kugelhopf cake form instead of the special rack, simply insert chicken in the centre, or, even easier - place chicken over the empty beer can :)
Delicate cocoa cake base, coffee cream and whipped cream.
Tasty apple and zucchini cake will taste to everyone.
Tasty cake, quick prepared ... and delicious for everyone!
Cake as soft as a cloud! Try it and you will bake it again and again and ...
Tasty cake suitable for baking at any time during the year, not only for the holidays.
A really delicious dessert from the mascarpone in a soft cocoa sponge cake. It is so simple that nothing can go wrong with its preparation and even a beginner can make it, just follow the exact steps :)
A pie with everything that favorite strudel contains. The cake is simply prepared from the puff pastry without rolling.
The traditional women's whim cake consists of a tasty combination of buttery sourdough, apricot jam and sweet egg whites. The cake is easy to prepare and very tasty.
A quick cake for Sunday afternoon, from puff pastry, favorite apples and cream curd.
Tasty slices with healthy seaweed gelatin. Agar is an excellent gelling ingredient, it is tasteless, full of minerals and with a minimum amount of calories per serving per cake. It creates high-quality jelly.

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