Very tasty, sweet little cakes filled with different kind of filling - curd, poppy, nuts or just a classic jam. To make them takes a bit longer time as long as it is not possible to bake them all at the same time. Otherwise, eating them does not take ...
Traditional recipe for the best strudel, as our grandmother learned it from her grandmother. Ingredients for the dough are suitable for two strudels from a kilo of flour. You can make poppyseed one and other cream cheese or apple one.
Such a hearty and delicious breakfast helps both children and adults to handle all daily tasks.
Are you lazy to fold buns laboriously? Try our recipe for raised cast dough to make buns. You can use as a filling mentioned cream cheese, as well as plum jam or poppy seed or walnut filling.
Recipe for a simplified version of traditional Christmas Eve sweet titbit.
"Great" ... yum-yum... "great" ... yum-yum.." really great.. - comment from the sweet tooth
Cake from soft buttery dough with cream cheese - poppy seed filling.
Delicious small unbaked balls, suitable as a snack for some party.
Tasty cake, quick prepared ... and delicious for everyone!
Traditional Christmas sour cake, generously filled with the popular poppy, walnut, jam and cottage cheese fillings.
Tasty balls full of vitamins and minerals. Very suitable for a healthy Christmas sweets eating.
Bobáľky (little rolls) are the most popular with poppies. Because the dish is relatively filling, the prepared amount should be enough for the 4 portions. If it seems too little, feel free to double the amount of ingredients.
Great energy, without added sugar, from this really tasty porridge. Just cook and eat :)
Sweet dessert for Sunday afternoon.
"Shoot" our balls full of calcium into each other :) They don't only taste amazing, but your bones will also be happy :) Yum!
A tasty pie to tea or coffee.

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