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Make your life sweet or be ready for any family party or social event in your house.
Really tasty delicacy. Serve with rice, sprinkled with fresh eventually dried chives.
Burger stuffed with the egg and green peas. As a burger filling is possible to use also other vegetable eventually smoked meat. Serve hot with the sauce or mashed potatoes. Serve cold with the bread and gherkin.
A homemade recipe for a strong ginger "cure", recommended for adults, against the flu and cold. It is said that if it does not help, it will certainly not hurt if it is dosed with sense:) For prevention is one tablespoon a day recommended - a maximum ...
Tasty recipe of original Hungarian goulash. It consists only of meat, onions, peppers and tomatoes. It is very tasty and even if it is not thickened, it is thick enough. It is traditionally served with potato dumplings (halusky), but nothing prevents ...
Recipe for prep of tasty roulade from boneless chicken, suitable for festive events. Recipe is more difficult because of boning of chicken, we are crossing our fingers for all beginners.

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