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Tasty milk soup that gives you energy in chilly autumn and winter days.
Tasty thick soup, full of healthy vegetable, which is favoured by children as well as by adults.
Easy, quick and delicious tomato soup from tomato paste and sterilized tomatoes. You can use fresh tomatoes instead of sterilized, but you need to pour them over with boiling water and peel before cutting them.
Spring soup with cream and milk. Served with a hard-boiled egg.
Sweetish creamy soup from corn and root vegetables.
Quick recipe for healthy vegetable soup with smooth dumplings from beaten egg white foam.
Favourite quick soup for children. By tradition, it is suitable especially for nursing mothers, believed to be helpful for milk production. Anyway, mainly that it tastes.
Thick cream soup with a delicate taste. Serve with crunchy butter croutons made of toast wholemeal bread.
Thick healthy soup that makes you warm and satiated.
Pot full of delicious soup for Christmas or New Year's table. But of course you can cook this rich sauerkraut soup any time of year.
Easy homemade soup pasta, delicious with favorite rich soups.
Simple, quick, healthy soup. Serve with knob of butter to soften the taste.
Recipe for a healthy celery soup with a delicate delicious taste. This soup is also suitable for smaller children.

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