Poppy seeds


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Tasty dessert with poppy seeds. Its simple preparation is a guarantee that every cook succeed.
A traditional recipe for fine cream curd rolls sprinkled with poppy seeds with sugar and poured with butter.
Recipe for potatoes dumplings, sprinkled with ground poppy seeds with sugar and poured with melted butter.
"Shoot" our balls full of calcium into each other :) They don't only taste amazing, but your bones will also be happy :) Yum!
Bobáľky (little rolls) are the most popular with poppies. Because the dish is relatively filling, the prepared amount should be enough for the 4 portions. If it seems too little, feel free to double the amount of ingredients.
A recipe for delicious poppy seed muffins with healthy carrots that you hardly notice in it.
Crispy poppy seed cookies with tasty rum and sour cherry jam.
"Great" ... yum-yum... "great" ... yum-yum.." really great.. - comment from the sweet tooth
Such a hearty and delicious breakfast helps both children and adults to handle all daily tasks.

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