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18-20 servings of tasty cabbage for a big New Year's Eve party. Cook in a large, at least 8 liter pot.
Recipe for preparing juicy pagatsch. Pagatch are not dry, they have slightly spicy flavor and they are delicious with New Year's Eve champagne.
Traditional English recipe for the Shepherd's pie. This salted meat pie is traditionally prepared from minced lamb. We used minced pork, more available version, but the taste did not decrease.
Emperor's mess is a European delicacy from fluffy smooth pastry cooked in butter. It is served sprinkled with sugar and compoted fruit.
The traditional women's whim cake consists of a tasty combination of buttery sourdough, apricot jam and sweet egg whites. The cake is easy to prepare and very tasty.
Bird's milk without sugar, but with honey. A real delicacy yummy!
It is great and very effective in the initial symptoms of a flu. It is recommended to drink two cups of this tasty milk in the morning and in the evening, of course only for adults.
Recipe for a juicy sponge cake with cream cheese, jam and pudding filling.
Tasty lunch from potatoes, sauerkraut, bacon and eggs, favourite mainly during the winter time.
Traditional Slovak main dish great for serving to family during holidays.
Salty cheese delicacy mostly prepared at New Year's Eve and for different celebrations.
Surprise your darling on Valentine's day by baking this easy and delicious vanilla and strawberry cake. It is easy even for beginners. :-)

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