Apple strudel

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A pie with everything that favorite strudel contains. The cake is simply prepared from the puff pastry without rolling.
Recipe for a favorite apple-cream cheese strudel from puff pastry enriched with dry plums.
Recipe for easy and quite fast preparation of homemade puff pastry strudel.
When you stricken with irresistible appetite for sweets, after good sunday lunch, prepare this easy and fast strudel.
Preparation of easy strudels from puff pastry.
A quick cake for Sunday afternoon, from puff pastry, favorite apples and cream curd.
Traditional recipe for the best strudel, as our grandmother learned it from her grandmother. Ingredients for the dough are suitable for two strudels from a kilo of flour. You can make poppyseed one and other cream cheese or apple one.
Traditional recipe for the best strudel as our grandmother was learnt from her grandmother. Ingredients for dough are for making of two strudels from a kilogram of flour. You can make one popy seed and second e.g. cream cheese or apple.
Delicious and juicy double strudel.
Juicy cooked apples in puff pastry.
Tasty, quick, juicy cake.
apple, walnuts and honey covered in crispy puff pastry. Served cool. Very tasty with one scoop of vanilla ice cream.

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