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Tasty recipe of original Hungarian goulash. It consists only of meat, onions, peppers and tomatoes. It is very tasty and even if it is not thickened, it is thick enough. It is traditionally served with potato dumplings (halusky), but nothing prevents ...
A delicious dessert from Hungarian cuisine prepared according to the traditional recipe. Time-consuming preparation brings this culinary specialty only to the most exclusive restaurants. It is really worth to prepare this famous delicacy at home.
Excellent classic recipe of Hungarian cuisine. Serve with steamed dumpling.
Hungarian lángos from raised dough with grated boiled potatoes. Langos are soft. Serve as you like, traditionally with sour cream and grated cheese.
Good recipe for Sunday lunch. It is with using yogurt instead of whipping cream. Tastes the same.
Approx. 8 liters of delicious meat goulash prepared in 16 liters enamel kettle on burning pine wood. Number of portions is directly proportional to hunger and need of "one more portion" for all the participating cooks and assistants.
Traditional meat soup, suitable as a brunch or even main dish. Serve with the bread.
A simple recipe that is not demanding on ingredients and spices.

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