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Many views about liver consumption are based on the fact that toxins are purified in the liver. However, it is also true that the liver contains a number of beneficial nutrients. When buying it, it is therefore good to know their origin. Who likes it, ...
Juicy marinated chicken breasts with soft pork liver, mushrooms, topped with cheese sauce and parsley. Serve with cooked potatoes.
Excellent delicacy of classic cuisine which have been disappeared from menus in deluge of contemporary recipes and as result of different "cons".
Great delicacy. Serve with fresh bread, salt as you like when served.
Great lunch or dinner from rabbit liver. Serve with rice and a tasty sweet side dish of apples, filled with cranberry jam.
Homemade baked pate from chicken livers. Serve the pate as a cold meal. The most tasty is with fresh bread rolls or bread.
"Devilled" saute served with boiled potatoes and spicy chili pepper.

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