You will certainly love delicious stuffed cabbage leaves (ground doves) and their not easy preparation will be appreciated by all consumers. Serve with fresh bread.
Magical soup, which relieves your body from days of feasting. It is indeed basic part of so called Cabbage diet, but even 1-2 days of its consuming can help a lot.
Christmas cabbage soup should be weaker and should fulfill the role of any appetizer before Christmas Eve Dinner. Even its cooked amount can tempt you for consumption of the full plate, consider that it is better on the next day when it rests for a ...
Favorite cabbage salad with mayonnaise. We offer a very tasty recipe for one of its versions. We serve it as a side dish to meals from meat. All the participants at our house party appreciate when we serve it for a buffet meal.
Very tasty cabbage salad, not only in Asian cuisine popular. You can serve it to almost all salty main dishes of non-vegetarian as well as vegetarian cuisine.
Braised head cabbage is served with roasted duck or roasted pork meat. If we leave used sugar during its preparation to caramelise then finished meal will be always different resulting colour according to degree of caramelization.